It follows a seemingly ordinary family with a dark secret: they are vampires. Despite their natural craving, they decide not to drink blood, but one day their truth is revealed. It follows a seemingly ordinary family with a dark secret: they are vampires. Despite their natural craving, they decide not to drink blood, but one day their truth is revealed. Kelly Macdonald is strong as Helen Radley. Bo Bragason is also strong as Clara Radley. Damian Lewis and the rest of the cast are rather vague and not really present. The casting is a huge mistake. The story is about a family of vampires who no longer drink human blood. The problem is that there is no story. It is more like a few days in the life of a boring vampire family. We wander from scene to scene while nothing happens. There are constant scenes where people just look at each other or stare at the wall. Nothing happens and no emotion is communicated to us. People just stand or sit and do nothing for seconds. None of the characters really have any personality, except for Helen and Clara. Probably one of the worst characters I’ve seen in a long time is the pseudo-hippie vampire boss Will, also played by Damian Lewis. The character is not very well put together, and Lewis’ second-rate acting skills don’t really help the character at all. So there are mostly bad actors, bad casting, bad script, and amateurish filming and direction. Then they said it wasn’t just a horror movie, it was a comedy. I just finished watching it, and honestly I don’t remember anything funny that happened during the entire run. It’s almost hilarious how bad the movie is, is that what they’re trying to say? After all, the movie makes no sense. It makes no sense. It’s nothing more than a fly on the wall documentary about some boring middle-class vampires living their boring lives. It’s very boring to watch, and when the end finally came and a long, pointless speech ended, I said, “Finally, thank God, it’s over.” I give it a 2, and I think that’s being generous.
The Radleys 2024 DVDRip.x265 Torrent Link